"Our actions are based on our feelings, not our minds."

“In a family constellation, love finds its order and the person its proper place within the system. Ancient, fateful connections become visible, unconscious conflicts come to the surface and can be resolved there consciously and for the benefit of all involved ”
- Corina Wohlfeil-Großer -

Moving to Mother - Why?
Family constellations provide insights into hidden levels. The “opening up and getting involved” in these collective fields is irreplaceable through learning in practice. In the livelihood seminars, feeling and experiencing therefore come first. You can only experience integration into the family system on - and in - your own body. This is the only way to reveal entanglements and reach new paths.
The mother as the key to happiness in life
Finding your mother again as an adult
The mother lives and remains in me
The importance of a nurturing relationship between mother and child
The mother, our first great love
To care
Foster children
Father + mother + child
Thematic lists
Group work, exchange and feedback
Whatever our childhood was. The fact is there is only one mother and that is what matters.
Solution-oriented family constellations help to stabilize crisis situations and to get an idea for the obvious solution. Constellations are a very effective, quick and qualified method to bring to light what is working hidden (intergenerational conflicts, illnesses, accidents, typical behavior patterns, disturbing beliefs). We take over all of this on the epigenetic level and carry it into our lives without realizing the real cause.
In a family constellation, love finds its order and the person its appropriate place within the system. Ancient, fateful connections become visible, unconscious conflicts come to the surface and can be resolved there consciously and for the benefit of all involved. This solution opens a positive source of life, joy and health even for family members who were not personally present.
I have been leading this work for 15 years. My life was shaped by my teachers Bert Hellinger, Michaela Kaden and Dietrich Weth to such an extent that I feel the order of love in family constellations as a calling and, God willing, also contribute to peace finding its place in each individual and for happiness in the family and perhaps the whole wonderful world.
Our actions are based on our feelings, not our minds. Conflicts and illnesses result from the emotionally unconscious attitude of the people involved to one another, whereby excluded, forgotten family members, children who died early, aborted children and others play an important role. The love for the "excluded" brings us an emotional, spiritual, physical, emotional dependence on these people. We do not dare to be happy - out of solidarity with them - or follow them in illness and death. We only get freedom by recognizing these connections, by respecting those who are excluded.
I only finish the work when the valuable flow of love has reached each participant and everyone is in a good place in the constellation. The power image at the end touches every person in the constellation to the core and leads to conciliatory inner attitudes. Because only what touches the body heals.